District Scout Camp June 2014

District Scout Camp 2014

Friday evening 13th June saw 7 Scouts, 2 of whom were very new, pitching their tents for the annual Orwell District Scout Camp at Hallowtree, a weekend long competition including camping skills and activities all earning points.

On Saturday there were many activities to try including canoeing, abseiling, climbing, orienteering, blind trail, archery, shooting and an ariel runway. Following a World Cup themed evening meal cooked by the Scouts there was an “It’s a Knockout” tournament and the usual Go Kart races.

On Sunday the activities were more skills based and included fire lighting, knife and axe, tent pitching and stilt walking, there was also the site inspection. After lunch all 130 Scouts and their leaders gathered to lower the flag and find out who had won what; we were delighted to find that 1st Kirton had won the orienteering and were presented with a trophy and three new compasses, the lads and lasses also came 2nd overall a brilliant result.

Well done to them all, then it was time for the very tired Scouts and even more tired leaders to go home – all done for another year.