40th Birthday and AGM

On 17th October 1st Kirton held their 40th anniversary party and AGM along the theme of past, present and future.

Past: There were displays and albums of old photos from previous years and it was fun to see some that were young scouts and are now leaders and see how others have moved up through the ranks. On display also were old uniforms and camp blankets. See how young the leaders looked then.
Several previous leaders also attended and it seemed everyone was pleased to catch up with old friends.

Present: this included the AGM, along with the section reports detailing the activities the sections have enjoyed this year.

Future: we got to hear about the plans for the new scout hut which will hopefully will be built soon. But there is still lots of fund raising still to do.


There was also a desperate call for committee members as it is compulsory for scout groups to have a complete executive committee consisting of chairperson, secretary and treasurer etc and currently we have vacancies.
If you would be able to help out in any way at all please contact us or speak to one of the leaders.


To commentate the 40th birthday everyone in the scout group this year has been given a limited edition group badge to be worn on the back of the scarf.
